Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Communications: Skype

I am busy trying to tie up loose ends before we get to the boat and I just wanted to mention Skype. I know most boaters already know about this wonderful service but for those not in the know skype is a voice over internet protocol phone and messaging system. The service is free if you are using computer to computer calling or text messaging and it only cost $.02 per minute if you are making a computer to traditional phone call. Go to skype.com and check it out. The days of getting away from it all are over and I know it because I see all these sailors with laptops in hand searching for hotspots everywhere. I would love to have all of you fellow skype usernames so we could chat or if we're in the same harbour we could call each other without those curious VHF listeners knowing our dastardly plans. The way this website works is that I review every comment before it is posted, so if you want to share your skype username with me post it to comments and I will respond with my username but nothing will be published to the www. or this website. Looking forward to chatting with you!


Anonymous said...

Hey! I like your blog. Its takes a very funny approach to women sailors. And yea...SKYPE is excellent! It was the only way I was able to call home when I was sailing in the BVIs. Its great for anyone, not just sailors.

FirstMateMary said...

I know! I keep trying to convince my dirt dwelling family and friends to subscribe to Skype but the just don't get it. I admire you for doing what you are doing. I frequently ask myself if something happened to the capn if I would keep the boat. I love your website, would you mind if I posted a link to it? A young friend of ours used to have the same boat when we met him in the Abacos, I don't remember the name of the boat, darn it. I'll think of it in a minute. His name was Jay.

FirstMateMary said...

I believe Isabel was the name of his boat.

FirstMateMary said...

Hi Rachelle,
I won't publish your post unless you want me to publish your Skype#. I will be looking for you to be online. Give Smitty a smack (kiss). How is Panama? We are starting to scope out other places to dirt dwell. How is Morgan?