We launched her today without incidence. And we've come up with a name. Since we live up Mosquito Gulch her names gonna be "SKEETER", of course.
Head South of the Border to Mexico as this former First Mate trades her deck shoes for a pair of zapatas and wonders to herself, "Is this man ever going to stay put?" All kinds of new challenges await her in the Yucatan like the language, the scorpions and the topes.
Welcome to Frisco! We'll keep an eye out for your boat. If you see Pooka stop by and say howdy. The festivities on the Fourth of July are a blast. The fireworks go off right over the marina. We usually stay the night onboard.
Welcome to Frisco Bay Marina. The festivities on the 4th of July are a blast. The fireworks go off right over the marina. We usually spend the night onboard our boat. If you see us on Pooka stop by and say hi. We'll keep an eye out for Skeeter.
Hi there Bill,
We're not going to make the 4th because we have company this weekend and the boat will not accomodate. But are planning on being out on her next week. Do boat's call each other on VHF CH 16? We don't have the name on the boat yet, but we'll answer to SKEETER. We have to meet up.
Boats do call each other on occasion. For the most part there is very little traffic on the radio.
After the 4th my wife and I are headed to the Paonia area for cherries and wine. Oh yeah! But after that we will spend as much time as possible on the lake.
Have you sailed over to the Dillon side yet?
Something for the captain.
Congratulations, Jay! Little did we know we were in the presence of greatness. Where you headed this year?
We plan to depart Vero early Dec and push to the Jumentos/Long Island ASAP. Probably return stateside in May. What about you two???
re: greatness. I didn't either! LOL! Some of these writers have a way with words. Sells papers!
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