I've been afraid to try the Artisan Bread in 5 minutes recipe http://firstmatemary.blogspot.com/2009/03/artisan-bread-in-five-minutes-master.html way up here at 10,600 ft. but then I decided, "What the heck? It's only flour and yeast." After a lot of tweaking I finally got it.
If anybody else is crazy enough to live up here in the nosebleed section here's what I did different from the original recipe.
I used cold tap water for the dough (my tap water is really cold)
I halved the yeast to 2 1/4 tsp.
I added an additional teaspoon of salt.
I let it rise for 5 hrs and then punched it down and put it in the refrig overnight.
The first time I tried it I baked the bread at a lower temperature but it turned out gummy even with extra baking time. The next time I baked it at the temp in the recipe and it was perfect.
I did cinnamon rolls/sticky buns this morning and they were wonderful the cap'n said. I wouldn't know because I'm not eating my experiments because I'm on my perpetual diet that doesn't work. It's difficult but like David Carradine, I'm into self-torture. I lived on a boat didn't I?
I won't give the cinnamon roll recipe away because if I ever write a book I'd like to make some money and not have somebody put what's in it on the internet for everybody to read for free but.....use what ever cinnamon roll/sticky bun recipe you have but use your already made dough. Put your topping in your baking pan, Tear off a hunk of the dough, roll it out, fill it, roll it up and cut your rolls. Put them in the pan and let them rise for an hour and bake. It's so easy and fast!
Okay, now back to boating business. I promise I will have the blog about our very eventful trip to Spanish Wells on here by tonight. And we're going to try to launch our new "yacht" tomorrow. So I'll have lots to say about that but I'll probably be traumatized for a day or two.
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