Sunday, December 28, 2008

Shopping 'til I Drop

I spent the weekend in Houston with my sister and my wonderful, smart sister-in-law who would sweep the gold if shopping was an Olympic event. Unfortunately, or fortunately if you're the cap'n, I couldn't buy anything because we're heading back to boatland tomorrow and I have no way to tote it and I have no place left to store it (except for that secret drawer I mentioned in "Personal Orifices"). So I thought I would shop vicariously through you my loyal readers. Don't panic! I'm not turning this into a commercial site, it's just that once I started I couldn't quit. There's so much useful stuff out there and some really cute stuff too. Wouldn't you rather wear rainboots with bumblebees on them instead of those ugly foul weather boots. Oh shush you old salts, a girl knows that looking good is more important than not sliding off the boat. The two cookbooks are the only ones I have on the boat since I tend to save space by cruising the internet for recipes but the one by Kay Pastorius is the one that has my sourdough starter recipe in it and a lot of great recipes. The Cruising Chef has lot of great stories and info about using local ingredients.

The one item I definitely, recommend is the hook and go. We have had one or two of these aboard the boat since we've been aboard. It will hold as many bags as you can hook on it and it has a really wide wheel base so it has never tipped over. Plus it folds up to nothing. Boaters and non-boaters that have seen us using this strange contraption have asked us where we got it. Now you know.

And of course, there's my beloved Kindle but you've heard enough about that.

So thank you for indulging me in my round of guilt free shopping and tell your cap'n your just looking, not buying. Then show him the Nigel Calder book.


Anonymous said...

I guess the rest of your Houston family is really boring since you do not even mention our existance in your blog. Ok, ok - we still love you. I better start a Hickey family blog and include everybody in it:)

FirstMateMary said...

Okay, Mrs. Anonymous, I edited the post. I just think you've got the shopping thing a little more in control than the sister. And since the blog was about shopping I only included the shoppers.