How did two 80+ year old nuns end up sitting in their lawn chairs, wearing their bathing suits and drinking Kalik at Baker’s Bay?
Now remember, what happens in Abaco stays in Abaco. No calls to the Vatican, please.
I am about to share with you my most valued advice. A treasured piece of advice I share with only my closest confidants. It is………………………………………………..
How to throw a great party in the islands.
You say you’ve heard that all you have to do is make an announcement on the radio and people will come from islands unseen just to party.
Damn! Somebody must have leaked my secret.
The cap’n and I had been hiding out at Baker’s Bay for about 3 weeks and were running dangerously low on the essentials of life like coconut rum, anejo rum, spiced rum, dark rum, light rum and just plain old rum. We were contemplating doing something desperate like pulling up anchor and heading to civilization and I was looking forward to putting some clothes on when the cap’n came up with one of his brilliant ideas.
“Let’s have a party!”
“Honey, remember how we just discussed the fact that we don’t have any booze. Can you tell me how many bottles of booze I’m holding up?” I patiently ask my obviously sun-addled cap’n.
“Uh…, Zero?” guesses my proud cap’n.
“Exactly!” I sneer. “Which is exactly why we can’t have a friggin’ party!”
The cap’n waggles his finger at me and raises a diabolical eyebrow.
"Just watch."
He picks up the VHF mike and makes our distress call.
“Party at Baker’s Bay at sunset.”
Later that afternoon I’m dessicating in the cockpit and contemplating which finger I’m going to prick to suck life-saving sustenance from. The capn’s finger, of course. His blood has gotta be at least 90 proof. I’m licking my cracked peeling lips when a mirage appears on the horizon. White billowy, puffy things shimmering on the waves. I lift my weak skeletal arms and give out a pitiful croak.
“What the hell?” “They’re real!”
I jump up and holler down at the cap’n.
“Put some clothes on, for Chrissake!”
We’re saved.
An hour later there are close to 40 dinghies pulled up on shore. There is live karaoke, thanks to our best friend Tom on sv Becky Thatcher, there is meat sizzling on the grill and best of all there is rum.
Glorious, makes-life-worth-living, rum!
And that is how two 80+ year old nuns ended up in their lawn chairs, wearing their bathing suits and drinking Kaliks at Baker’s Bay.
Mary and the Cap’n got thirsty.
P.S. We weren't sure if the cap'n was channeling his inner Elvis in the lower pic or if he was having some sort of seizure. Sometimes it's hard to tell.
P.P.S. These pics are stolen from the website of Patrick on Synchronicity. I'll make you get in touch somehow, Pat.
It was a great party, remember (most of it) well!
I remember you. It was one of the better parties.
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