Sunday, March 22, 2009

Eileen Quinn Music: Friends

Hi guys I have found a link to the song that always makes me cry "Friends". This site lets you listen to a lot of her music but you'll want to get the CD's so you can listen to her in those secluded anchorages. Ahh...I'm missing my friends.

Ooh, and look I found the "Anchoring Dance" too, which I think causes more aborted cruises than anything else. There's actually a real dance which Eileen's husband does with great rhythm.

1 comment:

lorib said...

Dear Mary,
I just read your post on Coconuttelegraph and I see that you are selling your boat and moving on to another adventure in your life. Good for you!

I do hope you continue this blog as I really enjoy your updates.

All the best to you and your Captain.

Lori B, London, Ont. Canada